Dr Jenny He - GP Specialist
Speaks Mandarin and Cantonese. Interests: Women's Heath, Workers Comp, Ingrown Toenail and Medicinal Prescriber
Health Assessments and Care Plans (Bulk Billed), Medical Certificates, Scripts, Home Medical Reviews, MSK, Empathetic care.
Skin Check $60 gap
Skin mole/cyst removal: Minimum $70 (Gap) Doctor will discuss prior to procedure. Additional $25 for one time use disposable instrument.
Initial Medicinal Cannabis consult face to face $250 gap then follow up scripts $90 repeat scripts
Initial Nicotine Vape consult $250 Gap then follow up scripts $90 Gap repeat scripts
Mirena IUD insertion $250 (Medicare rebate $77.60 rebate)
Mirena IUD removal $100 (Medicare rebate $58)
Mirena IUD insertion and removal $300 (Medicare rebate $120.50)
Implanon removal $100 total (Medicare rebate $58)
Implanon insertion $100 total (Medicare rebate $34.50)
Implanon removal and insertion $190 ((Medicare rebate $92.50)
Ingrown Toe nail wedge resection one side $250 total (Medicare rebate $76.50 item 47916) Additional $25 for one time use disposable instrument.
Ingrown Toe nail wedge resection both sides together $350 total (Medicare rebate $114.75 item 47916) Additional $25 for one time use disposable instrument.
Spirometry $50 Gap